Enter for your FREE chance to win here: https://forms.gle/1csa4qfRjqRARa5ZA
As you may, or may not know, Hidden Gems Literary Emporium now has its own van to transport the thousands of books that we serve! This is the van that we will be taking on our #1000FreeBookTour from New Jersey to Florida in July. To celebrate, we are giving away a brand new fit bit watch, accompanied with a book of healthy, tasty recipes! Enter your information for a free chance to win, and stay connected with us on Facebook and Instagram to see how our tour goes!
Also, please share our mission and our fundraiser with a friend or loved one! gofundme.com/HiddenGemsLiteraryEmporium If you would like to make a donation, our information is below!
With love,
Hidden Gems Literary Emporium
Your family-owned, non-profit, community bookstore!
